Every child deserves a loving home.
More than 35 years of experience. A lifelong commitment to your family.


Steps to Adopt

At every step along your adoption journey, we’ll provide guidance and support and help prepare you for what to expect.

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Choose a placing agency. Not all agencies are equal and not all approaches are the same. Ask questions and speak to social workers. Network with adoptive families for diverse insight into the adoption process — as experienced by people who adopted through Holt and other agencies.

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Talk to your agency about which adoption program may be best for your family. Each location sets its own eligibility guidelines, referral processes and legal requirements, affecting not just the time, travel and cost of adoption, but also who can adopt. The age, gender and needs of a child waiting for a family may be different from country to country.

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This is the first step to begin your formal adoption journey. Once your application has been received, we will give you access to our online parent handbook, which provides links to download relevant documents and paperwork, guides you through the process and provides ample information about your specific adoption program.

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Bring on the paperwork! Complete your homestudy and begin your parent education courses. Prepare your dossier and send it overseas for approval. Begin the immigration process, including the steps for visa approval. 

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Receive “the call” from Baby Adoption Center, letting you know that you’ve been matched with a child. Get to know him or her through photos, medical updates and more.

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Meet your child! Once all the legal steps and immigration processes are complete, you will travel to finalize the adoption process and meet your child. Travel home to bond together as a family.

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Your social worker will visit your home to complete your post-placement adoption requirements.

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Stay involved with Baby Adoption Center. Adoption is a lifelong journey. Holt’s post adoption services are available to your family and your child throughout your lives, even after your child becomes an adult.

Baby Adoption Stories




adoptive family smiling for winter portrait


Start Your Journey in Adoption

Whether you are considering adoption or are ready to apply to adopt, we have many free ways for you to explore our programs or get started.

There are many resources available to help you finance your adoption.

Adoption Info Meetings

Check out our free adoption information meetings through our branch offices.

Apply Online

If you’re ready to start your adoption process, applying online is secure and easy.

Request Free Adoption Information

We work with families in all 50 states. If you’re considering international adoption, we’re excited to get to know you!

Please provide your contact information:

Babay Adoption Center has adoption programs in these locations: